Nerub-ar Palace Placated

Short post to announce the conclusion of Nerub-ar Palace raiding. Well done everyone and I hope you all enjoyed your time in the City of Threads. :D

We got our Nerub-ar Palace Ahead of the Curve on Monday, January 6th and finished our Glory of the Nerub-ar Raider achievement Sunday, January 19th. Congratulations to all! :)

As always, I appreciate your dedication and effort. I was getting worried that Queen Ansurek was going to push us right to the end, like Sylvanas, but we got there on the last pull of the night.

We have finished with some time to spare before S2 starts so enjoy the time off and see you all for the Liberation of Undermine! :D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2025! 😀

Enjoy the festivities and I look forward to more adventures with you all in Khaz Algar and eventually Undermine, the capital of the Goblin Trade Empire.

Nerub-ar Palace

I am planning for and hope that we can start The War Within raiding on Sunday, September 15th. 😀

Deep within the kingdom of Azj-Kahet lies Nerub-ar Palace, Queen Ansurek’s seat of power. From this shadowed throne Queen Ansurek has tightened her grip on her Sureki followers, leading them along a dark path to a new future. As her paranoia grows, the members of the conspiratorial Severed Threads launch their final gambit against Ansurek’s rule.

For this initial TWW raid tier you should be looking at an absolute minimum ilevel of 567; I would suggest that 580 would be more appropriate so aim as high as you can get. Dungeons and Delves should provide up to ilvl 567 gear until Season 1 starts on September 10th.

Once Season 1 starts Heroic instance drops will increase to ilvl 580 and Mythics drop ilvl 593. These are now on a daily lockout so it should be possible to get quite a few runs done before we start raiding on the Sunday. Please make an effort to gear up to an appropriate level.

Make sure you read the raiding T&Cs to refamiliarize yourself with the loot rules and any other changes since you last looked at them.

I look forward to some fun raiding again with you all! 😀


The War Within Early Access and Release

Just a reminder that The War Within early access is here and official release just a few days away. 🙂

I hope to see all of you back for new adventures in our 9th World of Warcraft expansion.

OSS BBQ 2024

Thank you all for attending the 2024 OSS BBQ. This was much delayed from the originally planned date in 2020 but it was hopefully worth the wait.

It was great to see both “old” and “new” Seekers and I think we all agree that we missed all you Seekers who could not attend this year.

I hope everyone had a good time and I look forward to seeing everyone at the next one. 🙂

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